Businesses Give Back Competition
In this Business Communications project, my team and I put together a proposal on behalf of Southwest Airlines to promote and increase diversity in the workplace by implementing professional development and employment-focused workshops for immigrants and people with diverse backgrounds.
This is a project I was very passionate about because I am a first generation college students and see the struggle of immigrants not being able to find jobs every day. Whether it's a language barrier or absence of technical skills, it's important to provide the resources and opportunities so that everyone can succeed. I learned that it takes a lot of team work to make big things happen.
Spotlight DFW Showcase
I had the pleasure of being the Executive Producer for the debut of the first Spotlight DFW Showcase in January of 2019. This was an event put on for the DFW Dance community to unite all artists and showcase the talent we have in the area. For this show, I was able to utilize my organization and leadership skills to effectively coordinate all acts, ticket sales, staff, promotion, show schedule, and provide an incredible show experience for all of our attendees. The attendance was of over 150+ people and the place was packed.
This project was an eye opening one for me because it allowed me to learn more about my work style and how I interact with people on a job. This also allowed me to realize that I have more of an entrepreneurial mindset than I thought. I am now confident that I can spearhead any big project with the help of an effective and dedicated team.

"Before You Graduate..." Presentation
In this Advanced Business Communications project, my team and I developed a presentation about professionalism, integrity and coach-ability. This was a great opportunity for us to inform our fellow classmates about things we need to know as we graduate within the next few semesters.
This project was a great experience as far as team work. I also learned that the content we spoke about applies to anyone wanting to make an impression on others. Learning happens everywhere, not just in the corporate world. It is important to be presentable anywhere you go because you never know who you will meet and what opportunities will arise from those connections.
New Product Marketing Proposal
For this marketing project, my group and I had to develop a new product and write a pitch for it to be launched. The assignment then led to a 10 minute proposal of this new product to our classmates. We were to use our creativity as well as everything we learned in the class to write an effective proposal for our new product.
This project is what opened my mind to being an entrepreneur. This was my first time coming up with a new product that could actually be launched. The experience I gained from this project is still helping me to this day. Knowing different aspects about a business and what all goes into launching something to make it successful is timeless information that I know will help me as I head into the professional world.